Killing Urias and his 30 Lycans with S.T.A.K.E Magnum. Lots of Headshots.

How to kill Urias in Resident Evil Village. In this video gameplay. there are several ways to to kill Urias and the first 30 Lycans. The best proven method for me by far is staying inside the house and wait for Urias to appear.

With this strategy, you are only concern about one direction since enemies will just keep pushing forward in one spot and best of all that, you can even kill Urias while you are in the balcony without getting hit by his huge hammer. I am using a S.T.A.K.E. which has a fire power of 4500 per shot and it is fully upgraded. If you find this video gameplay helpful and informative, please do like the video and subscribe to my channel. Thanks!

Watch the full gameplay on YouTube.


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